This report covers the period 01/01/2008 to 31/12/2008
In brief
Programme purpose: In order to achieve Global Agenda Goal 1, the disaster management programme places emphasis on a global disaster management capacity with a close integration between each of its components that increasingly reflects the new operating model.
Programme summary: This annual report aims at summarizing and highlighting progress achieved through the DM global programme during 2008. It places emphasis on outputs of individual plans that contributed to building the institutional capacity of the International Federation at all levels
(global, regional, country) by investing in key thematic areas, such as disaster risk reduction, disaster preparedness, disaster response, and recovery.
Financial situation: The total DM Global Appeal budget (excluding DREF) is CHF 23,977,377 (USD 22,835,597 or EUR 15,984,918) of which 82 per cent covered. Expenditure overall was 66 per cent. The budget of the DM Coordination and Development appeal programme is CHF 2,128,463 (USD 2,027,108 or EUR 1,418,975) of which 30 per cent covered. Expenditure overall was 28 per cent.
Click here to go directly to the attached financial report.
No. of people we help: It is estimated that the International Federation brings assistance through its disaster preparedness and response activities to around 30 million people annually, from refugees to people affected by natural disasters. In 2008, the International Federation estimates that over 23 million direct or indirect beneficiaries were assisted.
Our partners: Overall the most important partnerships for this global programme are with National Societies and institutional donors such as the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office (DG ECHO) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID), who continue to assist the International Federation in achieving its disaster management objectives through essential financial, human and technical resources. Individual sectors have also benefited from specific partnerships with the wider humanitarian community, through the United Nations (UN) clusters, sectoral work with UN agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) mechanism, as well as with scientific institutions and academia.